Lecture: Jana Dolecki: Symbols of Nation: Staging Gender in the Context of War and Nationalism, Croatia, 1991-1995, 14.10.2019, Vienna

Frauenbildungsstätte Frauenhetz – Feministische Bildung, Kultur und Politik (Web) Venue: Frauenhetz, Untere Weißgerberstr. 41, 1030 Wien Time: Mo., 14.10.2019, 18:30 Uhr Jana Dolecki presents her current research on the representation of nation and national identity in Croatian institutional theatre during the wartime and in the context of the acute nation-building processes from 1991 to 1995. … Lecture: Jana Dolecki: Symbols of Nation: Staging Gender in the Context of War and Nationalism, Croatia, 1991-1995, 14.10.2019, Vienna weiterlesen